ICP ATF ICAgile ATF Facilitation Agile Team Facilitator Certification

From agile coaches to agile project managers, there are ways to map out ideas that balance the team overall. In addition to the interpersonal skills we just mentioned, a good agile team facilitator needs to understand motivation theory in order to create an environment for productive discussion and problem solving. While Agile’s goal is to keep meetings collaborative and engaging, that’s certainly not always the reality. We’re sure that everyone has experienced a Scrum Master dominating a meeting while the rest of the team sits quietly waiting for the meeting to finally end. Mitigating and preventing those types of meetings is one of the primary goals of facilitation.

The Agile Facilitator participation is crucial to make the team understand the Agile dynamics essential for the project. A facilitator with a high-level of understanding of the subject matter makes the Agile facilitator much more effective and trustworthy for the participants. Therefore, it is necessary to have the right skills to be an effective facilitator of an Agile environment.

Upcoming Courses

The Agile Team Facilitator Training course is available both online and in-person, with public courses held in London and Norway. We also offer in-house courses worldwide, so you can get the training you need no matter where you are. For developers, testers, operations leads, DevOps engineers, and site reliability engineers. Design meetings that are engaging, purposeful, fun and get desired results every time. Design meetings that are
engaging, purposeful, fun and get desired results every time.

agile team facilitation

The final stage is when participants vote on which idea is most valuable and important. Becoming an Agile Team Facilitator requires a certain mindset to lead and serve the team. Learn the mindset required for the Agile Team Facilitator agile team facilitation and gain an understanding of the paradigm shift that must occur to be successful in this collaborative environment. Understand how the Agile Team Facilitator is a role model for the team by exemplifying the Agile principles.

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For finance professionals, procurement professionals, business managers and executives, compliance professionals, accountants, and sales professionals. Learn to use an adaptive funding approach to drive business results and mitigate risk. Learn by doing
Facilitation cannot be taught in a traditional classroom setting alone.

agile team facilitation

Learn foundational agile topics from a methodology-neutral, mindset-based approach. Agile fundamentals is the starting point for professionals focused on software development and delivery (e.g., product ownership, DevOps). The role of agile facilitator is to plan and implement an appropriate process; the rest of the group is responsible for the content of the discussion by contributing expertise. Attendees will have an opportunity to design and facilitate a team session based on scenarios from agile framework meetings. A Team Facilitator is someone who helps a group identify common objectives and then offers group processes to achieve defined outcomes.


Lastly, continue your education and development by reading, listening, watching, or attending relevant resources or events. The course gives you the much-needed skills to design and conduct collaborative meetings while leading teams toward higher maturity levels, more effective results, and self-organization. As a stepping-stone towards becoming an Agile Coach, this course focuses not only on skills and techniques but also on the mindset for the facilitator and the facilitator’s path towards becoming an Agile Coach. It includes group facilitation tools and techniques for effectively designing meetings and workshops that both engage the entire audience and drives toward agreed-upon outcomes. Learn how to become an effective Agile Team Facilitator and improve collaboration within your team through our highly interactive training course. This Agile Team Facilitator training class provides practical experience and updated toolkits to design online and in-person meetings that drive maximum impact towards successful team outcomes.

  • Liberating Structures are designed to embrace distributed control and include a fairer, larger number of people in shaping the next steps.
  • Leadership Consulting is the key to harnessing the power of transformational leadership and fostering a culture of excellence.
  • From Certified Product Owner to Agile Facilitation training, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to lead your team effectively and deliver value consistently.
  • Nowadays, facilitation techniques are an essential toolkit for a good manager, whether you’re using Agile or classic techniques.
  • These are just glimpses of the vast pool of techniques a competent Scrum Master or Agile team facilitator can implement.

Facilitating typical Agile framework meetings is a requirement for the Agile Team Facilitator. To do so, the ATF must understand the purpose and underlying principles and values of the ceremonies. In this section, we will go through the ceremonies for an agile framework and design meetings to facilitate achievement of the desired outcomes. We will specifically design common sessions such as Retrospectives and Daily Stand-Ups. Whilst brainstorming is not a new concept, by any means, it’s still an effective way to kick-start your meeting. Also known as ‘affinity mapping’, it’s a great way to get ideas out there that otherwise might not see the light of day.

organization, supporting decision making and agility Learn more >

Within the Agile team structures, the team facilitator actively helps Agile teams work better by improving their communication and collaboration and assisting them in the shifts required for Agile team environments. As a Scrum Master or a leader in your Agile team, developing professional Scrum facilitation skills can significantly augment your leadership efficacy. You’ll be equipped to nurture a culture of transparency, foster innovation, and ensure your team remains aligned with its objectives while navigating the complexities of Agile projects. To excel as an Scrum facilitator, understanding the importance of facilitation skills and mastering the key Scrum facilitation techniques are paramount. This blog post provides insights into these essentials while shedding light on how our Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ course can aid your Agile journey.

They’ve come back to work re-energised and ready to put a lot of new ideas in to practice which is a fantastic outcome for us. Thank you for the course, it will be so useful for me moving forward in my career. I have already started using some of the tools that we learnt since returning to work as well as re-assessing parts of the current mahi we are doing.

Support lean, cost-effective workflows focused on delivering

Facilitation is important to job industries across the globe, including for remote teams who must collaborate virtually.

agile team facilitation

In order to receive the certification participants must attend the full course (not missing more than 1 hour of class time) and complete the simulation exercises. Many participants describe their experience in this course as transformational, seeing a new way of leading their teams. The objective is for you to leave the course as a trained facilitator — the most critical skill in helping teams be successful. Even online, our courses are highly immersive, which means that you will not see many PowerPoint presentations.

Leadership Consulting: Unleashing Potential, Accelerating Success

First, the Agile facilitator is referred to as ‘framework agnostic’ because it is not tied to a Scrum framework. Additionally, Agile team facilitators work with multiple teams, whereas Scrum masters work only with their specific team. They know this skill helps their staff make decisions and reach outcomes. Employees benefit from facilitation because their ideas will be heard and they will get an active role in decisions and collaboration. Skilled facilitators can help drive discussions toward a common understanding or agreement, supporting the team’s decision-making process. For software developers, application programmers, systems designers, technical architects, development managers, and technical leads.

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